Monday, January 4, 2010


Today was the first day of wedding fitness!

I started the day off eating well, but kind of lost it by dinner time. I ate healthy food all day, but I just ate a ton of it. I felt so hungry all day. We made curry chicken with rice and naan for dinner and it was so good that I just ate way too much. Tomorrow I'm going to work on drinking water and tea when I'm feeling hungry and not just saving up my hunger. We went to the grocery store today and I bought some dried fruits and granola and things like that for snacks that are healthier than chips or sweets. Also, I didn't drink any pop today, but I'm not sure how long I can keep that up.

I went to a YogaLates (yoga-pilates fusion) class at the gym this evening and it was so great! It was really challenging and I know that my back and abs and legs and arms are going to be SO sore tomorrow, but it was worth it. I'm going to try to go back next Monday evening. Unfortunately, I don't think this class fits in my schedule once class starts, but I'll find another one to take. I weighed myself at the gym so I can have an official starting point. I need to lose 8.4 lbs. from this point to get to my goal weight.

Tomorrow I will work on eating small healthy snacks throughout the day so I don't overeat at dinner and I will drink more liquids throughout the day.
I'm at +8.4 right now, hoping to reach 0 by June.


  1. Dinner time is rough! Try a few of these tips:
    Drink a glass of water before your meal.
    Do the "Half-Way" test. This means divide your food on your plate in half and then take a small break from eating once you have eaten that. Chances are you will start to feel full. (it takes your body longer to process that you are feeding it, than it does for you to eat and sometimes over eat)
    Try to eat at least every two hours. Make these snacks healthy ones. Things like broccoli and healthy cheeses are more filling.
    Also just drinking six glasses a water a day will cut down on your hunger a lot. (You can also mix protein mixes in with your water which will eliminate hunger and not cause you to gain weight)

    It sounds like you are doing awesome so far!!! Good luck with tomorrow! I hope some of the above tips will be helpful. :)

  2. Thanks for the tips! I'll try those things in the next few days.
