Sunday, January 3, 2010

Yummy Low-Fat Recipe

Warm Ham & Cheese Sandwich
You will need:
1 French Roll
2 Slices of Ham Lunch Meat (Thinly Sliced, preferably)
2 Slices, or 1/4 cup of a low-fat cheese of your choice
1 teaspoon of Dijon Mustard
2 tablespoons of Light Butter or Butter Spread
Bell Pepper-sliced
Pickles (I use to Dill Gherkins, chopped, but you can use what you like)
Dash of Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Powder

First, spread the butter onto the french roll and add seasonings. Then toast the bread. (I've toasted the bread using a skillet on the stove top and also on a pan in the oven set to Broil-450 degrees F) After the bread is toasted add the Dijon Mustard to both slices. Next add the lettuce and bell pepper. (If you like, you may saute the bell pepper in a few drops of water to soften it first) Next add the pickles, lunch meat and cheese. Then place the sandwich in the oven again long enough to melt the cheese. Enjoy!
Note-I make my sandwich open faced, and add the two sides together after the final toasting. That way you have equal ingredients on both sides. It's very yummy and between 6-9 weight watchers points, depending on what kind of cheese and other ingredients you use.

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